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Bass Players and Composers
Gary Karr
Edgar Meyer
Robert Black
Rufus Reid
Simon Garcia
Frank Proto
Francois Rabbath
Paul Ramsier
Patrick Neher
Silvio Dalla Torre
Bass Repair and Luthiers
Luthiers Around the World
Heartland String Bass Shop, My high-c bass is made by Chris Threlkeld from this shop
David Gage Bass Shop
Robert McIntosh
James Ham
Jeff Bollbach
Mike Asetta
Bass Music and Supplies
Lemur Music
International Violin Company, LTD
International Music Company Co.
Theodore Presser Music
ABCs of Strings
Ludwin Music
Liben Music
ISG Publications
STRAD Magazine
Bass Players Magazine
Strings Magazine
J. D’Addario Strings
Marvin USA
Schertler Pickups
String Shop
Quinn Violins
Bob Gollihur
Messina Covers
Concert Design Bass Stools
Electric Bass Player Links
Bass Organizations
International Society of Bassists
Double Bass HQ
Bass Lessons Online
Friends and Colleagues
Matias de Oliveira Pinto, cello
Peter Zay, cello
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